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  There are only two days left of 2022, some start looking back of what happened in 2022 and signing the time flies. Some sit down to summarize for 2022 and make plans for 2023, others are just as busy as usual to catch up… Read More »Diesel Control Valve Sets Promotion On 2023 New Year


Since November 20th, the World Cup is in full swing, and the fans have enjoyed many exciting games already. That’s football, the sport that combines people together, no matter what age you are, no matter where you are from, and lifts up the spirit.  … Read More »F00RJ01714  Summarizes 32 Teams’ Record On FIFA World Cup


  November 4th, 2022, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport. According to the interview of Chinese expert, he pointed that under the background of great changes in the political and security situation in Europe, as well as in the international and… Read More »What Is The Significance of German Chancellor Scholz's Visit To China?
